German Volunteer Firefighters. Photo: Wikipedia
20 Mar 2018

CTIF strengthens cooperation with Germany: THW Federal Agency as new member and increased cooperation with DFV


 CTIF President with THW President President Albrecht Broemme.
 CTIF President with THW President President Albrecht Broemme.

THW - the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief, Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk, has joined CTIF as an Associate member. CTIF has also strengthened the bond with Germany´s more than one million firefighters by establish a closer relationship with DFV, Deutcher Feurvehrverband.

With its voluntary basis of about 80,000 voluntary experts THW German Federal Agency for Technical Relief, (Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk)  as an authority  within the department of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, is possibly “unique”. Learn more about THW, its task, its history and their members´fascination for helping which moves so many.

THWAcross the world, the structure of THW is unique: As a federal agency, THW belongs to the department of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. However, only one percent of the staff works full-time for the authority. 99 percent of the THW-members work on a voluntary basis for THW.

Nationwide more than 80,000 volunteers commit themselves during their leisure time in 668 local sections in order to provide professional help to people in distress.



Published by Bjorn Ulfsson / CTIF NEWS


Tore Eriksson with the DFV-President Hartmut ZIEBS (right) and DFV-Vice-president Dr. Christoph WELTECKE in Berlin. Please use Picture- R. RömerDFV
Tore Eriksson with the DFV-President Hartmut Ziebs (right) and DFV-Vice-president Dr. Christoph Weltecke in Berlin. Photo by: R. Römer / DFV

Increased cooperation with the German Fire Association

At the end of February there was a meeting in Berlin with the leaders of the DFV, German Fire Association, Deutscher Feurwehrverband.

The intention is to work more close together and to focus on issues that are important for all firefighters, regardless of mode of employment, Full time, Part time or Volunteer.


DFVOne for all: the German Fire Brigade Association

Around 1.3 million members in volunteer, youth, professional and industrial fire brigades in 32,000 fire stations nationwide. Of these more than one million women and men are volunteers. The nationwide security of the bill takes into account the dense population of Germany and brings the citizens fast help in every place.

Without professional exchange, joint actions and a concentrated representation of interests, the German fire service would probably not be as it is - fast, competent and reliable.

The German Fire Service Association bundles and represents the interests of the 16 state fire brigade associations and the two federal groups. Thirteen departments analyze problems and events in ad hoc working groups, accompany developments, draw up expert opinions and concepts for the work of the fire brigades and for the representation of a high-performance fire service.

Together with its partners at the provincial, county and local level, the DFV organizes the German Firefighters' Day, the annual firefighter campaign, competitions, performance evaluations and other events.

It is closely associated with the German Fire Brigade Museum in Fulda and the foundation "Hilfe für Helfer" for psychosocial emergency care.

In cooperation with its mail order company  in Bonn, the DFV publishes the "Feuerwehr Yearbook". DFV also represents the German fire brigades actively in the International Association of Fire and Rescue Service CTIF.