DA 2018

CTIF information for Associate Members

Taina Hanhikoski, Finland.
CTIF vice president and Associate Member Coordinator

This is the official CTIF Information Page for communication with our  CTIF round logoAssociate Members.

Check in here regularly to get news from CTIF concerning CTIF seminars & events, Commission & Working Group meetings and other news that concerns you as a corporate, Associate Member of CTIF.

The coordinator and contact person for CTIF´s Associate Members is CTIF Vice President Taina Hanhikoski.

Please do not hesitate to reach out for any questions about our CTIF Corporate Sponsorship Program, how to collaborate with CTIF experts, Commissions & Working Groups, or any other questions you many have on how to get the most benefits from your membership in CTIF.


How to become a Member:

There are two types of memberships,
- memberships for Nations-Countries, so called Ordinary Members.
- memberships for private companies, associations or personal memberships, so called Associate Members.

To see all web site presentations of current corporate Associate Members of CTIF, click here

Associate Members pay a fixed annual fee of 800 euros. This includes a company presentation on our web page.

An Associate member can also decide on entering the voluntary Sponsorship program with additional involvement and benefits.

Associated members can send experts to the Commissions and Working Group meetings and participate in the ongoing work.

For detailed information, please read the Statutes attached below in English, French and German.

To download an application form, click here and go to the bottom of the page.