Veli-Matti Sääskilahti, Finland, handed over the Chairman's Club for the Airport Commission to Manfred Sommerer from Austria, during the commission's ;ast meeting in May.
19 Jun 2022

Manfred Sommerer new chair of the CTIF Commission for Firefighting at Airports


Manfred SommererManfred Sommerer takes over from Veli-Matti Sääskilahti, Finland, who remains a member, and also a member of the governing Commission Board. 

Manfred Sommerer is from Austria and is a lecturer at the Lower Austrian Fire Brigade School, a member of the Radiation Protection Unit of lower Austria Lower Austria, and Chief Examiner of the Austrian technical assistance/rescue. 

He was born in 1973 in Hainburg an der Donau, in the very East of Austria. In his early years he attended the  Higher Technical School for Electronics and Military Service. 

He started his fire and rescue career in 1992,  as a volunteer firefighter at the Fire Service of Bad Deutsch-Altenburg. In 2001, he became their Fire. 


Visit the Home Page of the CTIF Commission for Firefighting at Airports


Fire Service Vienna Airport (professional)

2004 Officer Fire Prevention

2007 promoted to Fire Engineer

2007 Officer Technical Division

2016 Deputy Fire Chief

2017 Head of Fire Rescue


CTIF Commission Fire Rescue at Airports:

2010 Delegate Austrian Fire Brigade Association

2019 Commission Board Member

2022 Election Chairman


Lecturer at the Lower Austrian Fire Brigade School

Member of Radiation Protection Unit, Lower Austria, Platoon South, Special Equipment Group

Chief Examiner technical assistance/rescue


I like the view over the fence to find a solution mostly when thinking too complicated. Always in touch with many Fire Services and Comrades accross the world.

I try to further develop the fire service, to learn from others and to make my knowledge available to everyone else to give other countries the chance to develop further.

Mannfred Sommerer

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