Youth by a lake
16 Feb 2018

Attention all CTIF Member Countries: 5 Youth Leader Delegates per Association invited to attend International Symposium in Hungary


The 14th Symposium of the International Youth Leader Commission will be arranged in Budapest, Hungary, May 10th - 13th 2018. Each participating nation is invited to send 5 teen age delegates to the symposium.


CTIF News Logo

By: CTIF Youth Leader Commission Chair Jörn-Hendrik Kuinke

Youth Leader LogoBy decision of the International Youth Leader Commission may we invite all national associations of CTIF to participate in the 14th Symposium of the International Youth Leader Commission.

Under the theme "Young in Responsibility", we want to discuss, in workshop form, the early introduction to future leadership functions in the fire brigades / youth fire brigades.

From each national association can participate 3 teenagers (14 to 18 years old) and 2 supervisors (who must be at least 18 years old).

The organization of the 14th symposium has kindly been taken over the National Directorate General for Disaster Management in Budapest (Hungary).


Read More and Register for the Event Here