The city of Helsingør - Elsinore from the Sea. Wikipedia Commons License.
Helsingør, Denmark
07 Jan 2024

The first meeting of the new Nordic and Baltic countries work group held in Denmark January 24-26


The meeting will be held in the Danish city of Helsingør and this will be the first physical meeting for the new work group. The topic for this year will be Climate Change. 

The first meeting within the new working group for the region of the Nordic countries and Balticum was held online on November 2, 2023. It was chaired by CTIF vice president Taina Hanhikoski, Finland. 

There was also an informal preliminary meeting more or less a year ago in January 2023 in Lapland in Finland, where some of the ideas of the work group were laid down.  

The meeting in Helsingør will be a historic one, since it is the first time this group meets physically in an official manner. The January 24- 26 meeting will be chaired by Peter Søe, Chair of the Danish CTIF National Committee and director of the fire services on Lolland-Falster, a region in Denmark

The program for our Nordic/Baltic CTIF meeting on 24 - 26 January 2024 is hereby forwarded below.  

The host expects to be able to secure virtual participation in several of the subjects.

Each country to have prepared a submission of about 30 minutes regarding the national review on Thursday the 25th between 09.15 and 12.00. The review should preferably be supported by PowerPoint, which can then be shared with the participants.

Persons wishing to run for chair, vice chair and secretary should send their candidacy to the current chairman Taina Hanhikoski with a copy to Peter Søe.


Program for the meeting:

Wednesday 24 January
- Arrival until 18.00
- Dinner at 19.00 and then socializing
Thursday 25 January
- At 09.00 to 09.15 Welcome, practical information and review of the programme.
- At 09.15 to 12.00. Each country tells about what the individual country focuses on, based on the following

- Regarding the national CTIF. Presentation of organization. What are the primary goals of the national
commission? How often do all members of the commission meet?
- Regarding the individual nation's national fire and rescue service. How is the local fire and rescue
service organised? Municipality or central/state? Which ministry is responsible for the fire and rescue
service? What are the main problems for the local fire and rescue service? Are volunteers, part-time
or full-time employees or a mixture used?
- Regarding the national central emergency authority. Is this person superior or subordinate to the
local emergency authorities? Which risk analyzes and scenarios do you plan based on? weather
events, war, terror or ?

- At 12.00 to 13.00 lunch, emails, fresh air and a short walk to Kronborg Castle.
- At 13.00 to 14.00 special tour of Kronborg in English regarding Hamlet.


- At 14.00 to 14.30 Back to the meeting.
- From 14.30 to 18.00 This year's special theme = climate challenges for fire and rescue preparedness in the Nordic
and Baltic countries.

- 14.30 to 15.00 introduction to and introduction to the theme.
- 15.00 to 16.00 presentation from DMI (Meteological Institute of Denmark) possibly carried out as a
virtual post.
- 16.00 to 18.00 submissions from the first 4 national participants
- At 18.00 to 19.00 Return to the hotels for short relaxation and refreshment
- At 19.00 dinner and social gathering.
Friday 26 January
- 09.00 til 11.00 continues this year's special theme

- 09.00 til 10.30 presentation from the last 3 national participants.
- 10.30 til 11.00 collection and summary of the presentations held.

- At 11:00 to 12:30 What would we like to focus on at the next Nordic/Baltic meeting. And presentations from
candidates for the positions of chairman, deputy chairman and secretary in the Nordic/Baltic CTIF working group.
Then election of chair, vice chair and secretary. We cannot choose 2 from the same country. The newly elected get
the floor.
- At 12.30 to 13.00 Rounding off / collection and checking of train times and transport home etc.
- At 13.00 to 13.45 lunch.

- At 13:45 p.m. to 14.00


Photo Credit: Wikipedia Commons Licence 

Helsingør / Elsinore viewed from seaside. Visible : St Olav Church, Kronborg Castle, Hammershøj Care Centre by Jørn Utzon .

This image was originally posted to Flickr by Giåm at https://www.flickr.com/photos/84554176@N00/3259240339. It was reviewed on 2013-06-29 19:52:05 by FlickreviewR, who found it to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0, which is compatible with the Commons. It is, however, not the same license as specified on upload, which was the cc-by-sa-2.0, and it is unknown whether that license ever was valid.

Date 8 January 2009, 12:47:20




Guillaume Baviere


Image removed.56° 02′ 11″ N, 12° 37′ 49″ E Image removed.