CTIF signed MOU with Organización de Bomberos Americanos
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During the Delegates Assembly CTIF in Vienna, CTIF signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the south American fire brigade Organización de Bomberos Americanos (OBA).
- Organización de Bomberos Americanos (OBA) and the Comité Technique lnternational de prevention et d'extinction de Feu (CTIF) share a common mission of advancing the safety and wellbeing of people through the exchange of experience and information.
- Accordingly, the OBA and CTIF, operating under this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), agree to mutually collaborate and support each other as described in this MOU.
- The participating parties support the strategic aim of establishing mutual understanding through trust within a partnership enable to advance competency, a subject important in both organizations, relating to the technical knowledge of first responders engaged in prevention, protection and response to fire and other emergencies.
- Recognising the importance of communication to support this aim a representative from each partner may attend each organisation’s annual or other designated meeting on invitation by a partner for the purpose of allowing the exchange of knowledge and to aid the development and understanding of each partner’s role.
- The parties recognize each other as the equivalent of an associate, as provided by their respective constitutions, able to enjoy such benefits afforded to that level of membership without charge and without any rights of to vote or influence each other’s organization save that exercised in discussion or debate in open meetings.
- In support these cooperative endeavours the participating parties to this MOU will provide complimentary registrations for representation to attend each of the respective organization's annual meeting assembly. The language of such meetings shall be English (translation possible).
- All costs, including associated travel and accommodation, will be the responsibility of each organization and neither organization will incur any other expenses or obligation related to this MOU.
- The term of this MOU shall automatically renew annually from the effective date of this Agreement until either party terminates this MOU with thirty (30) days written notice.
Juan Carlos Field, Vice President OBA Milan Dubravac, President of CTIF
Date: June 15, 2023
Place: Vienna