The CTIF - Euro NCAP Extrication Week in Brussels kicked off new educational video project
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The extrication tests and training on the 20 vehicles donated by Euro NCAP began Monday in Brussels. The scenarios are being filmed by a video team and we can now show a preview of the result.
Video (Above): Major Tom Van Esbroeck, Chair of the CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology, tells the story in an interview about the Extrication Week as part of the ISO Standardization Project. Extrication Videography by Luc De Meyer, F&RS Centrum, Belgium. Video interview and further editing by Bjorn Ulfsson, CTIF.
The tests will later be turned into instructional videos free for all firefighters to study here at CTIF.org. On Monday, the teams were being trained and the real tests for filming purposes started Tuesday in Brussels.
The extrications continued until Thursday of this week involving a number of standard extrication scenarios put together by Kurt Vollmacher.
More about the scenarios and the extrication methods practiced will follow in a future article soon here on CTIF.org.
Published by Bjorn Ulfsson / CTIF NEWS. Text Courtecy of CTIF Belgium.
Major Tom Van Esbroeck, Chair of the CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology, is delighted to collaborate with Euro NCAP on this project which will provide crashed vehicles on an ongoing basis to rescue services & first responders for their vitally important training.
During the last meeting of the Belgian Assembly of Directors of the Fire School on February 22, the decision was announced that there would be a possibility to provide car wrecks for training purposes.
Thanks to Tom Van Esbroeck and Kurt Vollmacher, and their contacts within Euro NCAP (as representatives of the CTIF Commission for Extrication and New Technology), a total number of 20 wrecks have been provided.
These wrecks are new standard fuel vehicles from a variety of car manufacturers, which have been submitted to crash tests. Thanks to the coordinating role of CTIF Belgium, these wrecks can now not only contribute to an improvement of the Belgian training of fire fighters, but also be shared with an international audience in English on CTIF.org.
Because there are only 20 wrecks available, it would not be financially viable to distribute these equally among the 11 Belgian fire schools. The wrecks have to be picked up and after 6 months delivered to an official scrap dealer.
Considering the proximity of the PIVO Fire School and Euro NCAP, the wrecks will be stored at PIVO. The goal is to perform exercises on these wrecks, and film them in order to make instruction videos which will be shared with all the fire schools and with CTIF.
The members of the regional working groups for Technical Aid were also invited to join these exercises.
Thanks to CTIF Belgium and Euro NCAP , The European New Car Assessment Programme, we can now create new training material, which will benefit all firefighters.