FLORIAN 2014 - Trade Fair for Fire Brigades, Fire-and-Disaster Control - with AESCUTECâ
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The 14th FLORIAN takes place in Dresden, Germany, FROM OCTOBER 16 TO OCTOBER 18, 2014. Please find the requested information material attached.
In 2004 the topic "Emergency Medical Services & Emergency Medical Aid" was excluded from the FLORIAN for the first time and has been included in the side by side occurring convention AESCUTEC®, to ensure a more selective address of its visitors. Both events together will make the interaction amongst all rescue workers possible.
The first FLORIAN took place in 1997 in Dresden. From there on, the concept was successfully realized in Erfurt, Cottbus, Halle/Saale, Sinsheim and Karlsruhe. The organizer achieves the competence of the FLORIAN by dint of good cooperation with the respective National Associations and the professional advisory committee. The trade fair will be including a TECHNICAL PROGRAM, which contains presentations as well as practical exercises at the open-air site (SG).
- coordination and communication technology, hazard detection systems,
- flood prevention and protection, vehicles and equipment, radio communication technology,
- protective equipment, collective protection, breathing protection, medical technology,
- duty gear, preventive and structural fire protection, information and organization technology,
- associations, organizations and services, first aid equipment