Fairfax, Virginia in the US will host the 13th Women in Fire & Rescue Commission Meeting in May
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In cooperation with the International Association of Women in Fire & Rescue Services, the next CTIF Commission Meeting for Women in Fire & Rescue will be held in the United States.
Fairfax, Virginia will be the first US city this year to host a CTIF event. Next US city to host a CTIF event this year will be Las Vegas for the Delegates Assembly meeting in June.
Cover Photo Courtesy of KIRTJ.se
The meeting will be held from May 22 through 23 - 2018.
During the same week, The International Association of Women in Firefighting are holding their symposium "Embracing Success - Mind, Body, Soul" , hosted by the Fairfax County Fire & Rescue Department.
Dear Member Delegate,
You are kindly invited to the 13th Meeting of the Women in Fire Service and Rescue Services in Fairfax County, Virginia, USA. The meeting will be held on May 22 and 23, 2018 and is co-located with the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Women in Fire & Emergency Service (iWomen).
The iWomen conference takes place from May 23 to 26, 2018 and offers various workshops, sessions and classes. From past experience it is an event worth visiting and welcomes not only women but also men.
The tentative meeting Schedule:
· Monday May 21, 2018: arrival in the afternoon/ evening.
· Tuesday May 22, 2018 sessions;
· Wednesday May 23, 2018 sessions;
· Thursday May 24 2018 departure or attendance of the iWomen conference.
The official meeting agenda will be sent out later.
If you need a visa click here / or ESTA to enter the USA please make sure to apply for it early enough.
Accommodation is available in the Sheraton Tysons or the Quality Inn. The participants are responsible to book their own room.
The conference hotel is the Sheraton Tysons with a conference room rate of 119 $ per night. It’s possible to share rooms with 2, 3 or 4 persons so the room rate would be lower for each person. The Sheraton must be booked through the iWomen homepage
There is also another hotel about 15 walking minutes from the conference hotel, the Quality Inn. The single room is 78 $, a double room about 115 $. These rates might change daily! Book the Quality Inn here:
If you have any questions or would like to have more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Mrs Mira Leinonen (mirafoni112@gmail.com) or Mrs Mona Hjortzberg (mona.hjortzberg@kommunal.se), and Susanne Klatt (s.klatt@feuerwehrfrauen.de)
All participants are kindly asked to register online, or by e-mail to with Mrs Mira Leinonen (mirafoni112@gmail.com ) or Mrs Mona Hjortzberg(mona.hjortzberg@kommunal.se ) just with simple e-mail registration and Susanne Klatt s.klatt@feuerwehrfrauen.de
The deadline for registration is May 1st, 2018. We look forward seeing you in Fairfax 2018!
Register online: here:
About the transportation from the Dulles Airport, everyone is responsible for their own transportation since the meeting is probably about 15 minutes from the airport and Super Shuttle or Uber is not really expensive the hotel and back.More information and registation about iwomen conference 24 to 26 of May If you have any questions or would like to have more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
We look forward seeing you in Fairfax