Forest fires out of control in Extremadura in Western Spain 2023
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Several forest fires are out of control in the region of Extremadura in western Spain. So far, the fires have spread over 3,500 hectares and 700 people have been evacuated, according to local emergency services.
"The fire is out of control and the weather conditions make the work of the firefighters particularly difficult", Commander David Barona of the military emergency unit told the Spanish news channel 24H.
Due to the prolonged drought experienced by Spain over the past three years with below average rainfall, the risk of severe forest fires has increased in the country.
Some 493 fires destroyed 307,000 hectares of land in Europe last year, according to the European Forest Fire Information System.
The Government of Extremadura published last Tuesday the resolution of the agreement of the Governing Council of March 29, which approves the Special Civil Protection Plan against Forest Fires in the community (INFOCAEX) .
The document can be read the following link.
Photo Credit:
Forest fires in France 2022. Photo by Christophe Marchal, CTIF