Virtual Airport Commission Meeting October 7
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Hello Commission members!
This year annual meeting for the CTIF Commission for Fire & Rescue at Airports will be held virtually, on the 7th of October 2020. The Commission Chair will send the program later, however due to being restricted to the internet, the meeting will be shorter than normal.
Here comes also latest news from EASA (thanks Karl-Christian). Main things of the decision are for the purposes of training rescue and firefighting personnel on pressure-fed fuel fires, and medical / physical fitness condition of the rescue and firefighting personnel at airports.
Cover Photo (Above) form Wikipedia / Flickr
Dyess and Abilene Regional airport firefighters team up to extinguish an aircraft fire during a joint training exercise here Nov 5. Firefighters from ABI are required by the Federal Aviation Association to be proficient in extinguishing aircraft fires. By inviting them onto the base, Dyess firefighters facilitate a means to achieve their annual training and foster a working relationship. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Airman 1st Class Chelsea Cummings)
- Related Photos:
- Camera: Nikon D3
- License on Flickr (2011-01-26): CC-BY-2.0