Fire Research & Investigation is becoming increasingly important to help fire services learn
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How can we learn from incidents that have occurred? How can civilian casualties be prevented and how do we advice our citizens, businesses or our own fire service organization with the lessons we have learned on the fire scene?
Some countries investigate the cause and development of fire only for statistics purposes, or for gathering evidence for insurance companies and the police.
Other countries are doing research to help their fire service organisation learn from fires and their fire fighting operations, and in yet other countries, this type of cooperation or investigation has not (yet) started or is only in its initial stage.
Let us learn from each other and share experiences!
The CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group is a way to find each other and share experiences. In recent years there have already been exchange projects between different countries; for example, fire researchers from Belgium have been in Hungary and fire researchers from the Czech Republic have been in the Netherlands and vice versa.
The aim is to learn from each other and to exchange experiences.
So please come to The CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group Conference in the Netherlands in May!
The CTIF Fire Investigation Group´s goals are to further cooperation between fire investigation experts, to share and exchange results of fire investigation at an international level and to achieve benefits for professional services and experts.
The CTIF Fire Investigation Working Group and the Fire Service of the Netherlands would like to invite you to an upcoming meeting of CTIF fire Investigation Group in the Netherlands.
In the past meetings of our working group have taken place in Hungary and the Czech Republic. This year two delegates per country are invited as representatives to the Netherlands, on the 21st ,22nd and the 23rd of May 2019.
Each of the Member States (or NPFA organization) can be represented by 2 persons due to limited facilities which will take place at the training center Troned in Enschede and the Fire Academy in Arnhem.
During similar past events, 12-15 countries have participated in the meetings. This year, the Working Group is hoping for 20 to 22 countries, with up to 45 delegates attending.
Please respond with your interest to participate by March 1st in order to be guaranteed a room in the same hotel as the conference venue.
Registrations for the Conference itself is open until April 1st, but participants registering after March 1st may need to make their own accommodation arrangements in the area. Those who register by March 1st are guaranteed a room in the conference center.
On behalf of the Dutch Fire Investigation Department,
Folkert van der Ploeg