Islam Awareness Guide for the Fire & Rescue Service: Issues and Challenges in Ramadan Month
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There are many Muslims currently working in the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) in various capacities ranging from operational roles to community outreach officers. Needless to say that on some occasions, specific issues arise which are directly or indirectly related to faith and culture as well as the job responsibilities of Muslim members of staff.
Peter Holland CBE, President Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA), writes in a special message in the introduction:
"As we all move forward and get ready to take on the challenges of the ‘Big Society’, our success will depend upon our ability to embrace diversity and to draw upon the skills, understanding and experience of all people; with dignity and respect for everyone at the heart of all that we do. The guidance in this book will without a doubt help us to show respect to staff from Muslim backgrounds and also help us to better engage with Muslim communities."
UK National National AFSA Advisor Jagtar Singh writes in the Introduction: "Managers and staff have often sought advice and have occasionally found it difficult to get guidance that is consistent and reliable. In writing this handbook, the AFSA executive aims to provide comprehensive information on various issues which managers and staff may come across in the workplace. This document will, we hope, help to tackle such issues strategically and sensitively.
Islam considers all human beings as one extended family – the human family. Therefore, equality and diversity is a core element of this faith. This element also highlights the importance of cultural awareness, mutual respect, human dignity and security of every individual in this world.
From this perspective, the relevant knowledge on fire safety issues in relation to the work situation during Ramadan is not only useful but is also an essential part of the professionalism of the FRS staff. "
In the foreword we can read: "The publication of this handbook, "Islam Awareness Guide for the Fire & Rescue Service: Issues and Challenges in Ramadan Month", marks a valuable contribution by the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA) to the Fire and Rescue Service’s aim to create an inclusive culture which values the diversity of its workforce and treats everyone with dignity and respect.
This guide is an example of AFSA’s leadership and of its commitment to ensure that equality, diversity and fairness are mainstreamed in the modern Fire and Rescue Service. I am sure that the advice contained in these pages will help Fire and Rescue Service staff at all levels throughout the organisation to achieve a better understanding of the needs, beliefs and religious observations of Muslim colleagues.
The key to the success of the guidance will be its dissemination and implementation and I hope that Fire and Rescue Services will use it to inform policy development and assess the impact of existing policies, processes and practices."
Bob Neill
Minister for Fire and Rescue Service
CTIF´s notes: We have also attached three other documents which are somewhat older but still contain valuable information on similar topics.
Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA)
AFSA was formed in 2003 by four Asian firefighters who wanted to see better representation and progression within the workplace particularly in the uniformed roles. Over a period of time, AFSA grew into a larger association, recognising and taking account of the vast span of religions and cultures from across the whole of the Asian continent. This has enabled AFSA to provide excellent consultation to fire and rescue services, government and others with regard to many issues ranging from recruitment, fire safety, clothing, and research. It has also enabled AFSA to support the development of new policies and strategies.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) is a national representative organisation with over 500 affiliated institutions, mosques, charities and schools. The MCB is pleased to endorse this guidebook, which has been approved by the MCB Education Committee.
It is a very informative document and is significantly helpful in promoting mutual understanding and community cohesion through providing accurate and to the point information with regard to respective key elements of the Islamic faith. Its excellent style and content make it a text pertinent to all organisations in general and FRS in particular which employ many Muslims across the country.
The MCB hopes that this practical guide will help both employers and employees to promote a better environment at work and community safety at large.