CTIF signs Memorandum of Understanding with WRO
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The MOU with the World Rescue Organisationwas finalized at the CTIF Executive Committee's yearly physical meeting in Luxembourg. It was signed by Paul Schroeder, Chairman of WRO and Milan Dubravac, President of CTIF, on Saturday September 10.
A more comprehensive report of this important meeting within the CTIF Executive Committee will be published here on CTIF.org in coming days.
The CTIF EC meets bi-weekly online but also holds two physical meetings per year, once at Delegates Assembly and, since a few years back, at the Headquarters of the Luxembourg Fire Brigade.
On Sunday, the members of the Executive Committee also paid their respect on the 21st anniversary of the tragic event of 9/11, by attending a ceremony arranged by the National Civil Security Day and the World Rescue Challenge 2022.
Memorandum of Understanding
International Association of Fire and Rescue Services CTIF
Represented by President Milan Dubravac
World Rescue Organisation WRO
Represented by Chairman Paul Schroeder
- Mission
The purpose of CTIF is to encourage and promote co-operation among firefighters and other experts in Fire & Rescue throughout the world. CTIF organises Fire and Rescue international conferences and competitions attended by fire fighters and youth fire brigades from around the world.
One of CTIF’s established commissions, the CTIF Extrication and New Technologies Commission, is active in the following working fields:
- Extrication & Road Safety (UN Decade)
- Energy Storage Systems (batteries, solar panels, ...)
- Smart Tech (robots, self-driving cars, data transmission, ...)
The commission is working within the ‘ISO’ (International Organization for Standardization) and other international stakeholders to be able to internationally harmonize information and training for the rescue services in the field.
The World Rescue Organisation is committed to improve technical rescue standards by bringing together rescue and medical services throughout the World to develop and share essential post incident skills and knowledge. In doing so the WRO is contributing to the reduction of unintentional injuries and the promotion of gold standards for combined rescue and medical care. This will be achieved by means of:
- The introduction and development of the Rescue Challenge concept at national and international level.
- Introduction and maintenance of an industry recognised standard for dealing with Road Collisions on a global basis.
- The development of enhanced proficiency in rescue techniques, incident management and medical care.
- Introduction of multi-agency systematic and team approach.
- Development of partnerships at national and international levels

Paul Schroeder, Chairman of WRO (left) and Milan Dubravac, CTIF President (right) signed the MOU on September 10, 2022, in Luxembourg.
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this MOU is to provide a framework for future collaboration between CTIF and WRO in particular in the field of extrication and road safety.
The partners acknowledge that no contractual or commercial relationship is created between them by this MOU. The partners agree to work together in the true spirit of partnership and to demonstrate best endeavours, competence and commitment to their collaboration provided in all cases they incur no liability or responsibility for each other’s actions and maintain independence in their own internal actions.
The partners declare to be committed to the goals and actions determined within the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2021–2030) as established by UN General Assembly Resolution 74/299 (2020) with the aim to accelerate coordinated international action aimed at reducing the number of deaths due to road traffic injuries.
- Cooperation
The commitments and actions of the partners for the purpose of this MOU shall include, but not limited to:
- Membership
CTIF accepts WRO as an associate member under §3(2) of its statutes.
WRO accepts CTIF as a Level 4 member under article 3.5 of its constitution.
The partners mutually abstain from claiming the annual subscription fees normally fixed for associate members, respectively Level 4 members.
- Coordination of positions
The partners underline the importance of representing the views and interests of the fire and rescue workers community in the context of road safety in general and of the five pillars of the Decade of Action for Road Safety in particular. Therefore, they agree to coordinate their positions in order to represent in the best common way the fire and rescue workers within any international body they are member of (e.g. UN Road Safety Collaboration, EuroNCAP, etc.).
- Mutual support
The partners agree to collaborate and to support each other in order to disseminate the findings and the objectives of their work notably when related to extrication, post-crash care and road safety among their members.
The partners facilitate the establishing of contacts and relations between their member organisations.
- Term of MOU
The term of the present MOU is not limited in time. It shall be revised at least every three years to ensure that it is fulfilling its purpose and to make any necessary revisions.
Either partner may terminate this MOU without cause upon three months written notice without penalties or liabilities.