Mikko Saastamoinen new Commission Chair for Extrication and New Technology from 2022
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The first meeting under the new Chair was held on Tuesday, January 25th. Originally planned as a physical three day meeting in Lapland, Finland, the meeting was eventually restricted to a one day online meeting due to concerns about the spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
Mikko Saastamoinen, Finland, officially took over the commission after Tom van Esbroeck at Delegates Assembly in October 2021.
Michel Gentilleau, France, remains vice chair of the Commission and Tom van Esbroeck, who chaired the Commission for 8 years until October 2021, remains as a member of the Commission.
The cover photo above was taken during Commission.s meeting in France during Technical Days 2016. The new Commission Chair chair as of 2021, Mikko Saastamoinen, is depicted to the far left in this photograph. Photo: CTIF
Agenda items discussed on the January 25th meeting were:
. The Roadmap EuroNCAP and their mobile application EuroRescue
- Information about the status of the CTIF - ISO 17840 project for implementing the world wide standard for firefighters regarding vehicle rescue & safety.
- The status of the CTIF cooperation with the International Emergency Drone Organisation
- The status of CTIF´s cooperation with UITP
- Energy transitions
- Reports on incidents involving alternative energy sources in vehicles
- Self driving cars
CTIF.org will return with more information about these agenda items!