The CTIF seminar "Fire, Rescue & New Challenges" is reborn as a webinar on April 22
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The topics for our online seminar will be Challenges for Fire & Rescue Services during the Covid-19 Pandemic, European CBRN-efforts after the Beirut explosion, LNG-testing and Wildfires as a threat for industrial facilities and critical infrastructures.
Register for the ctif seminar here
In 2018 and 2019, CTIF arranged two day seminars on various topics form Fire & Rescue. Due to the covid-19 pandemic, all physical meetings have been suspended until further notice. However, on April 25th, CTIF returns with a free online webinar, including speakers from Japan, the US, Belgium, Italy and Austria.
We will return with a more detailed program shortly. The seminar will be 2,5 - 3 hrs max, and will start at 12:00 Noon, Central European Time on April 22th.
We plan to have have the registration link for this event published ready by the last few days of March. We have room for a maximum of 300 participants on our online video conferencing platform.
Some of our speakers:
Don Lombardi (USA) - Challenges due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Japan Firefighter Association - Challenges due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Lisa Legros (Brussels) - Challenges due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Stefania Fiore (Italy) - The deployment of the Italian CBRN team in Lebanon after the Beirut blast. A complex emergency in an international context
Hannes Kern (secretary of the CTIF hazmat commission, Austria) - Wildfires as a threat for industrial facilities and critical infrastructures - Challenges for emergency responders
Marco Aim Boot (CNH Industrial, Italy) - LNG refuelling testing done in Iveco Turin