The CTIF History Commission invites all member countries to send a delegate to their next meeting
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To the National Committees of the CTIF and the Members of the Commission:
History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation
Invitation 23rd Commission Meeting, Vienna, February 11th, 2021
Dear Members of the National Committees, dear Members of the Commission:
All National Committees that currently have no delegates in the Commission (B, BG, CY, E, EST, FIN, FL, GB, GR, I, IR, IRL, LT, LV, N, RO, S, SRB, USA and V) are welcome to send one. If this is not possible, I alternatively ask to name a person who is familiar with the history of the firefighting in your area. Please write to of you want to participate as a new member of the Commision.
A physical meeting is currently planned for October this year, in Hungary, if the worldwide travel restrictions allow for it. The 2020 meeting had to be postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting will be held in English and German.
Because of the current restrictions due to the corona virus the 23rd meeting of the Commission History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation was arranged as an online meeting on February 27th. The Hungarian National Committee kindly provided the technical requirements.
The CTIF Commission of History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation held its online meeting in the morning on 26th February.
There were 18 participant countries at the meeting, containing 3 new member countries: Belarus, Russia and Greece. Milan Dubravac, President of the CTIF and Dr. László Bérczi, Hungarian Vice-President also participated at the meeting. The Commission discussed the points of the agenda chaired by Gerald Schimpf.
It was announced that the Central Museum of the Hungarian Disaster Management had received the CTIF Fire Museum Certification.
Best regards
Gerald Schimpf
Chairman of the Commission
Invitation goes to:
- the President of the CTIF
- the Vice President of the CTIF responsible for the commission
- the General Secretary of the CTIF
- the National Committees of the CTIF
- the Members of the Commission History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation
- the chairmen of the International Study Group for the History of Fire Service and Fire Protection at the CTIF
- the Head of the Section for Certification of Fire Brigade Museums and Collections according to CTIF regulations
- the Head of the Section for Classification of Historical Fire-fighting Vehicles according to the CTIF regulations
- the Honorary Chairmen of the Commission
- the Chairman of Referat 11 of vfdb
23rd Meeting of the Commission
History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation
February 26th, 2021 from 8 a.m. (CET, UTC+1)
Agenda of the 23rd Commission Meeting Status: February 11th, 2021
1. Welcome and opening
2. Approval of the agenda
3. Approval of the minutes of the 22nd meeting
4. Introduction of new Members (nations) of the Commission
5. Report from the Chairman of the Commission
6. Report from the Chairmen of the International Study group for the History of the Fire Service and Fire Protection in the CTIF
7. Certifications of fire brigade museums and collections
8. Classification of historical fire-fighting vehicles
9. Current topics
Regarding the agenda item 4, I kindly ask the new Members of the Commission (nations) to prepare a short statement of approximately 5 minutes for the meeting. Please let me have your written statement (or a longer presentation) to be attached to the protocol.
Furthermore, I ask the new Members of the Commission to consent to the use and the forwarding of their names and email addresses within the Commission and within the International Study group for the History of the Fire Service and Fire Protection in the CTIF.
Should you wish to include additional agenda items, please send them directly to the Chairman of the Commission.
The Chairman of the Commission