Characterization of Smoke Alarm Nuisance Sources from Cooking Scenarios
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Homeowner’s response to nuisance alarming has been identified as one of the reasons for disabling of smoke alarms.
Statistics reveal that fatalities were twice as high in homes that did not have any working smoke alarms as it was in home fires with working smoke alarms. Cooking is identified as one of the primary causes of nuisance alarms. The intent of the research was to develop baseline data on smoke generated during normal cooking of selected food items in representative kitchen configurations; develop test protocol(s) for use in standardized testing of nuisance sources; and develop industry recommendations to address nuisance alarming.
Directed at: Smoke alarm manufacturers, AHJs, Policy and other influencers.
About UL White Papers
This white paper is part of a series of technical documents produced by UL experts to address the safety challenges of today while helping customers bring the technologies of tomorrow to market faster.