Instructions for Extrication on Vehicles with Pre-Programmed Crumple Zones & Fortified Frame Constructions
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One of the most discussed topics within the CTIF Commission ‘Extrication & New Technology’ about technical assistance and ‘rescue of trapped persons’, is still the impact of ‘Pre-Programmed Crumple Zones and Fortified Frame Constructions.
Above: Video with crash impact of an old and newer car with different security systems (airbags, seat belt retractors, frame construction, …)
Read the full instructions in Training & Tools article here
By: Tom Van Esbroeck & Kurt Vollmacher, CTIF Commission For Extrication & New Technology
Experienced colleagues in the fire service will every now and then tell stories of numerous interventions involving road accidents with physically trapped persons. Maybe it sounds familiar: ‘in our time we had a case every weekend!’
Today there are still plenty of accidents, but the number of accidents for which we need to intervene to rescue trapped persons has significantly dropped. In many cases the door of a vehicle can be easily opened, while the front of the car is shortened by half a meter.
It is also noticeable that, when passengers are physically trapped, it is most often a serious and complex job for the intervention team to adequately rescue the trapped victims.
Left: Impact crash on a vehicle outside of the vehicle.
Right: Impact crash inside the vehicle.
What has changed compared to the past?
During our discussions within the CTIF Commission ‘Extrication & New Technology’ about technical assistance and ‘rescue of trapped persons’, one of the most discussed topics is still the impact of ‘Pre-Programmed Crumple Zones and Fortified Frame Constructions.
Tube processed into a jamb Source Weber/ THV Level 1 A Chapter 5
New Technology
Many elements we find in the modern vehicles, have been frequently applied previously as a research project in motor sports, mainly in the world of the Formula 1...
Continue to read the full instructions in Training & Tools here