Logo for the Brand-Feuer.de educational portal
07 May 2023

Fire Prevention portal launched in Germany

Release date

Logo for Brand-Feuer.deIn everyday life, in leisure time, in industry, agriculture and forestry, in administration, in retail, transport and much more, practically in all areas of life, you have to expect a fire to break out at any time.

Nevertheless, this is not a constantly present or even exponentially increasing danger against which one is powerless, because there are many simple measures to counteract the outbreak of a fire.

In view of the fact that people themselves represent the main risk factor with regard to the outbreak of a fire, one can see where to start in terms of prevention .

Everyone has to start with themselves first. As experienced fire investigators , we can do that and the "makers" of this homepage confirm this with certainty.

Our goal is to provide information about the causes of fire on this extensive website, which is structured like " wikipedia ", on a voluntary basis in order to prevent fires. This homepage has set itself the goal of providing safety tips and counteracting undesirable events in the areas of " fire ", " burglary " and related " crime " or crime prevention . If you have extensive or at least basic knowledge about this topic, fire hazards can be avoided.

This website is published in German, however it is compatible with Google Translate for direct viewing in other languages.