IAEA revision
14 Mar 2018

Three CTIF experts participating in revision of Radiological Response Manual update


Last week a meeting was held in Vienna for the revision of the IAEA First

Responders´ Manual to Radiological Incidents. CTIF will have a significant role during the revision process.



By Milan Dubravac / Vice President of CTIF

In 2006 the International Atomic Energy Agency, (IAEA)  in cooperation with CTIF and some other agencies, produced a Manual for First Responders to a Radiological Emergency.

Two experts from CTIF, Tore Eriksson and Ove Brunnström, at that time representing the HazMat Commission of CTIF were involved in preparing this manual.

After introducing it,  IAEA organized courses all around the world where CTIF experts also were involved as trainers.

This year IAEA decided for a revision of the manual and invited three experts from CTIF to be involved in updating the information. The experts are Denis Giordan from France, Eszter Tasko-Szilagyi, Hungary and Milan Dubravac, Slovenia. 

During the first week of March an initial meeting was held in Vienna. The document will be revised until the end of September 2018,  with a significant role for CTIF during this process.


Notes on the 2006 edition of the Manual:


IAEAThe purpose of the Manual for First Responders to a Radiological Emergency is to provide practical guidance for those who will respond during the first few hours to aradiological emergency (referred to here as ‘first responders’) and for national officials who would support this early response.

It provides guidance in the form of action guides, instructions, and supporting data that can be easily applied by a State to build a basic capability to respond to a radiological emergency.

This guidance should be adapted to fit the user State’s organizational arrangements, language, terminology, concept of operation and capabilities.

The current manual can be downloaded in PDF format in the Resources Section of CTIF.org



Text and photo by Milan Dubravac. Published by Bjorn Ulfsson / CTIF NEWS