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02 Mar 2021

Please help us make our voices heard for the next Euro NCAP 2025 Road Map!


To the CTIF National Committees


Dear colleagues,

A few years ago, you helped us greatly by filling out the questionnaires which helped us design the new Firefighters´ Worldwide Standard ISO 17840. Now we are once again asking for your help to answer a few questions to help us assist our partner Euro NCAP to define the goals for road safety and rescue standards for the next five years.

The CTIF has been working since 2016, in partnership with Euro NCAP, to improve the conditions of interventions of the emergency services in the context of road accidents. This collaboration, called "Euro NCAP for firefighters", revolves around a working group on Tertiary Safety, composed mainly of representatives from car manufacturers, members of Euro NCAP and representatives of CTIF.

This working group meets approximately 6 times a year to discuss the implementation of intervention assistance tools for the emergency services, taking into account the issues related to the various impacting equipment that may be in the area (vehicles, energy, pyrotechnic components, etc.) and, if necessary, favoring the most comprehensive distribution media.

It is important that we reach the widest possible consultation with interested and concerned parties. This is about improving our practices in terms of vehicle rescue and will lead to caring more efficiently for victims.

Please send the attached form to Natalie De Backer or fill out the same form online here.

Fill out the online survey

or download the PDF form below

Advantages and reasons to implement the ISO 17840 tools

Several major advances can be mentioned:

- The generalization of Rescue sheets in standardized format (ISO 17840). These documents now provide the emergency services with all the operational information necessary to intervene in traffic accidents and car fire.

- The creation of a Euro Rescue mobile application, making it possible to have access to all the rescue sheets, via smartphones or digital tablets. You will notice that this mobile application, powered by car manufacturers, is free, accessible to all emergency services and translated initially into 4 languages (EN, FR, ES, AL) and into 23 languages in a future second phase.

Today, the Euro rescue app is exclusively for cars, however CTIF is working with Euro NCAP to make this application accessible to manufacturers of trucks and buses as well.

- The promotion to manufacturers of "Energy rescue labels". These are labels positioned on vehicle equipment to be handled by firefighters, in order to isolate the vehicle's energy (electricity, gas, etc.). These "Energy rescue labels" are a real aid to intervention, and will allow for more efficient and secure interventions.

- Integration of new information, carried by the e-call, and intended for emergency call reception centers. We will retain the following additional information: number of victims, type of impact (front / side / rear impact), detections (smoke, fires, etc.).

This information, received at the reception of the call, will allow a better management of the incident.

- Verification of the automatic unlocking of the doors in the event of an accident, which will allow an easier exit of potential victims and improved access to the cabin for emergency services.

- Special instructions for electric door handles to allow easy use by the emergency services in the event of a road accident.

- The ability to open the doors and front windows (from inside the passenger compartment) even without electrical power in the vehicle, in the event of immersion of the car.

Particular attention is paid to providing our firefighters with information in their native language. In view of the perpetual technological advances in the field of mobility and the risks still very present on the roads around the world, this important partnership between Euro NCAP and CTIF must continue.

It is in this context that I would like to ask you so that you can send me any proposals from the women and men who make up your rescue services and who would be suitable to be included, in the future, in the discussions between Euro NCAP and CTIF.

Major Tom Van Esbroeck , former chair of the “Commission for Extrication & New Technology”


Lieutenant-Colonel Michel Gentilleau , vice-chair of the “Commission for Extrication & New Technology” and project leader “Euro NCAP for firefighters” are at your disposal for any further information.