Urine hydration colour chart. Illustration by the CTIF Health Commission
06 Jul 2021

Nutrition and hydration for firefighters


Front page for the CTIF article Nutrition and Hydration for firefighters. Firefighters often work in very tough and dangerous conditions. They are confronted with a whole range of hazards, and they carry heavy burdens. Mentally, they also have to process a lot of death and destruction encountered on the job.

Firefighters often risk their own life and health to deal with everyday  calls to protect life, property and the  environment. Firefighters never turn their backs on society. No matter what. However, in order to be able to do the job with a minimum of mistakes and avoiding potentially fatal outcomes,  firefighters need to be strong and healthy both physically and mentally when entering the profession - and they need to stay that way throughout their whole career.

This article focuses on nutrition and hydration and how we as firefighters can eat and drink in an intelligent way to stay healthy and to avoid severe and potential life-threatening diseases and problems.

Download and read full article as PDF here