IDEO President Vendelin Clique
25 Aug 2021

IEDO wins award for CTIF-supported Best Practices report on Emergency Drone usage


We are very proud to announce that The International Emergency Drone Organization has won the 2021 AUVSI XPONENTIAL Public Safety Award for the Best Drone Practices Report for Fire & Rescue missions. 

CTIF and its president have supported this report, and it has also been integral to the work of the CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology, chaired by Tom Van Esbroeck.

"It's a powerful success for all the volunteer contributors who have collaborated in that project. Thanks again to all of you who have placed your trust in us, and in this project", says Vendelin Clique, president of IEDO, to CTIF News. 

In 5 months, the Best Drone Practices Report for Fire & Rescue missions has so far been downloaded 3500 times.