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17 Sep 2020

General Rehearsal for Virtual Delegates Assembly October 8


General  "Rehearsal" Date: Thursday October 8th - at 9 am UTC

We have had two training sessions for those unfamiliar with Zoom, and this third meeting is to practice what we will be doing on our actual Delegates Assembly. This third meeting is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO ATTEND for all participants in the Delegate Assembly, at which we will also test the election application. 

Since we are now in the Autumn season and different member countries change from Day Light Savings to winter hours at different days, we display the start time in UTC (Universal Time) only.

Please check your country or region and how it relates to UTC on the actual dates. A good app / web page to use is http://time.is/UTC. If you need help to calculate the start time for your country, please write to CTIF Secretary Neza Strmole

PS: If you cannot attend and you still need training or support, please contact  CTIF Information & Website Coordinator: Björn Ulfsson.