Fire Prevention Meeting during DA in Las Vegas 2018
15 Jun 2018

Fire Prevention Commission Meeting in Las Vegas Continued after DA


The Fire Prevention Commission, led by Dr Aleš Jug, continues their three-day meeting after Delegates Assembly in Las Vegas during the day today, with a final half day meeting tomorrow, Saturday June 16th.




Members from Denmark, Finland, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Sweden, Netherlands, United Kingdom and USA are giving presentations during the week. CTIF President Tore Eriksson is also visiting and participating in the commission meeting during today, Friday.

Among the topics discussed are the Role of the Fire Brigade in Terrorist Attacks, Community Risk Reduction, the Fire Service of Tomorrow" and "The relationship between the building legislation and delivered fire safety".

On Thursday, parts of the commission went on a field trip to Clark County Fire Brigade Fire Prevention Offices, located in the greater Las Vegas area. The group visited the county´s Fire Brigade Command Center and also studied Fire Safety Measures in High Rise Buildings in the local area.

This article will be updated.


Fire Prevention Commission Meeting in Las Vegas 2018.