CTIF President Milan Dubravac in the 2023 30th edition of International Fire Safety Magazine.
12 Dec 2023

CTIF President Milan Dubravac featured in the 2023 "Influencer Edition" of IFSJ magazine


CTIF President Milan Dubravac was featured for the second year in a row in the International Fire and Safety Journal this Fall. 

The article is about about CTIF and where our organization is heading in 2024.  


Go directly to the article on page 86


CTIF President Milan Dubravac was asked earlier in October this year by one of the editors of the magazine to write an exclusive article for the Influencers´Edition of the magazine, revealing his views on where the fire and safety industry is heading over the next 12 months. 

In the article, the CTIF President elaborates on several challenging topics, such as the evolution of the fire services in the midst of climate change,  the ever changing market within the fire and safety industry. He also points to several strengths which CTIF as an organization has which helps us tackle the problems of the future;  40 member countries and growing, 70 associate members (corporations and businesses) which puts the organization in a strong position to be able to merge fire services with fire industry and have some influence on where the fire and safety industry is heading in the future.    


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Full article