The CTIF History Commission met physically, with face masks, on February 26, with the Chair, Gerald Schimpff, participating via video link.
04 Mar 2021

The CTIF History Commission had their first meeting since the pandemic


The CTIF Commission of History of Fire Services and CTIF, Museums and Documentation held its online meeting in the morning on 26th February.

There were 18 participant countries at the meeting, containing 3 new member countries: Belarus, Russia and Greece. Milan Dubravac, President of the CTIF and Dr. László Bérczi, Hungarian Vice-President also participated at the meeting. The Commission discussed the points of the agenda chaired by Gerald Schimpf.

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It was announced that the Central Museum of the Hungarian Disaster Management had received the CTIF Fire Museum Certification.

Dr. Bérczi invited the Commission again to to plan a physical meeting in October this year, in Hungary, if the worldwide travel restrictions allow for it. The  2020 meeting had to be postponed  because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

/ By: Andrea Potoczky

CTIF History Commission meeting Feb 26, 2021