CMINE Call for Experts
18 Jan 2019

Call for Experts to CMINE-project on Wildfires, Flooding and Volunteer Managment


The EU DRIVER+ project (https://www.driver-project.eu/) consortium wishes to invite experts to join the CMINE - Crisis Management Innovation Network Europe.

CMINE is a Community of Practice in the field of Crisis Management, an umbrella network made to foster exchanges between diverse stakeholders who have a role to play in crisis management innovation in various domains such as wildfires, volunteer management and floods. The CMINE was officially launched at the Security Research Event (SRE) in Brussels 5-6 December, and we are now extending invitations and launching a Call for Experts to various professionals in the area of Crisis Management. 

The CMINE platform is structured in various spotlight sections - Capability gapsInnovative solutions, Terminology, Trials and Demonstrations and Standardization. Furthermore, chaired themes with task groups have been setup to discuss how to tackle current and future challenges and to develop approaches aimed at resolving pressing issues of practitioners involved in crisis management. The task groups will currently focus on the following themes:


  1. Flooding
  2. Volunteer Management
  3. Wildfires


If you wish to receive a personal invitation with instructions on how to register for the CMINE, please send an email with the subject “Hello” to cmine-helpdesk@ProjectDriver.eu.