A ladder demonstration during the CTIF Firefighting Olympics in Celje Slovenia, 2022.  Photo by Björn Ufsson, CTIF.
From to
Prague, Czech Republic
28 Feb 2024

The first meeting of the new Fire Sports Commission was held in Prague, February 19-20, 2024


In 2023, a new Fire Sports Commission was created in CTIF, which will host international Fire Competitions with a wider definition than the traditional CTIF Fire Olympics. The first meeting of the new commission was held in Prague on February 19.


On Monday, 19th of February, in Prague, Czech Republic, the first physical meeting of the CTIF commission for firefighting sport was held. 

At that meeting, there were representatives from 11 CTIF member countries. 13 of those representatives applied to become members of the new commission.

The meeting was chaired by the chair, former CTIF vice president Zdenek Nytra, and present at the same meeting, was Martin Nekula, as vice-president of CTIF.

At the meeting, all present members of the commission adopted the plan and the program of the commission's work. All plans for 2024 and 2025 were agreed upon.

The next meeting of that commission is planned in autumn in Bulgaria.


New Fire Commission meeting i n Praguae, February 19, 2024. Background on the new commission: 

In March 2023, it was proposed that for the further development of the firefighting sport, to separate this area of CTIF activity from the Competitions Commission and establish a new CTIF Commission.

The activity of the Competitions Commission would remain the traditional disciplines of the

The activities of the new commission would mainly be:
- organization of competitions in firefighting sports (prerequisite once every two years), in the categories of men’s, women’s and juniors.
- preparation and issuance of competition rules;
-  professional training of referees and coaches;
-  training camps for adults and juniors in the period between competitions;
- gradual promotion and organization of competitions in other types of firefighter sports 
- TFA, Combat Challenge etc.;


Funding of the commission's activities is assumed to be the same as before, i.e. participation fees, sponsors and advertising.

CTIF member states from Western, Central, Southern and Eastern Europe have preliminarily
expressed interest in membership in the commission.

The creation of a new commission and the organization of competitions in fire sports can
bring new members to the ranks of CTIF.

The separation of the firefighting sport and the creation of a new CTIF commission was
discussed and agreed at the meeting of the Competitions Commission on November 14,

According to the CTIF Statutes, the creation of the CTIF commission must be agreed to by
the EC, and then approved by the Delegate Assembly.



at the meeting of the CTIF Firefighting Sports Commission


Czech Republic, Prague, Spiritka Ministry of the Interior facility,

2352 Atletická Street, Prague-Břevnov



Sunday, February 18, 2024:  arrival, accommodation, dinner together

Monday, February 19, 2024; Committee meeting,  dinner together

Tuesday, February 20, 2024;  Departure, draft content of the meeting:  introduction of committee members

familiarization with the current situation in the firefighting sport, drawing up a plan of competitions for 2024 the commission's activity plan for 2024 & proposals for actions in 2025. 


The price of accommodation including breakfast: 

Single room:  2.170 CZK/per person

Double room    1.920 CZK/per person

Apartment        3.850 CZK/per two people


Please report the names of the participants, including the mode of transport (plane, train, car) and arrival/departure times by February 5, 2024.

In Ostrava on January 19, 2024

Zdenek Nytra, Chair




Photo: (Above) A ladder demonstration during the CTIF Firefighting Olympics in Celje Slovenia, 2022.  Photo by Björn Ulfsson / CTIF.