International Conference on "Emerging Fire Protection Technologies for Rolling Stock"
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Dear Sir, Institute of Rolling Stock Engineers (IRSE) and Indian Railways Service of Mechanical Engineers Association (IRSMEA) are organizing an International Conference on ³Emerging Fire Protection Technologies for Rolling Stock² at New Delhi, India on 24th-25th April 2014. The Conference is being supported by Indian Railways & RITES Limited. Venue of the Conference is Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. The Conference will present emerging and latest technologies available worldwide in the various aspects of fire protection technologies for Rolling Stock. Letter from Mr. Arvind Khare, Additional Member, PU, Railway Board is attached herewith inviting your participation and contribution with technical paper(s) on areas of your specific interest. Abstracts of papers to be presented at the Conference may please be submitted to by 25th February 2014. More details are available on conference website, We look forward to your participation in the conference. Regards, Yours Sincerely, (Pradeep Gupta) Member / Conference Organizing Committee & Group General Manager RITES Limited, Ph: 0124-2571653