No more survivors - USAR teams hindered by heavy fire in Miami highrise collapse
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An extensive and difficult-to-extinguish fire has been raging in the remains of the partially collapsed building in Miami beach. The fire complicates the rescue work and no more survivors have been found. More than 150 people are still missing since the collapse that occurred on Friday.
The official death toll of confirmed victims rose to 10 on Monday.
The number of missing people after the collapse still amounts to over 150. The mayor of Miami-Dade, Daniella Levine Cava, stated on Monday that ten people have now been found dead, reports AP.
The big problem in the rescue work is a heavy fire in the rubble. Despite using both foam and water, firefighting teams have not been able to extinguish the fire.
"We have great difficulties fighting the fire. It is extremely difficult to find the source of the fire", says Miami- County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava.
No progress has been made in the search and rescue work since Friday and the prospects of finding survivors are decreasing over time. The dense smoke over the area is pointed out as the biggest obstacle to the USAR work.
Report pointed out design flaws
An investigation has been launched to find out what caused large parts of the high-rise to collapse.
"We will carry out a full investigation", sayid Mayor Daniella Levine Cava.
What caused parts of the building to collapse is still unclear. Documents published on Friday show that the real estate company was already alerted in 2018 about "extensive damage" to a concrete pillar in the building. According to the engineering report, extensive repairs were required, and the company was also warned that incorrect drainage risked undermining the concrete.
Repairs worth several million dollars were just about to begin when the disaster occurred, the real estate company states according to the New York Times. The company states that it was not aware that the damage was urgent or alarming.