Extrication Commission focuses on working to implement the new ISO standard in their home countries
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Several Commission members are now working actively to implement the ISO 17840 firefighting standard in their home countries.
The information packages have now been available for a while, however the Commission recognizes the importance of personal contacts and active networking to spread the word about this important work extrication for New and Alternative Vehicles.
The CTIF Commission for Extrication & New Technology met for four days in the German Rhein Valley on December 11, 12, 13 and 14.
Cover photo: (Above)
The host for the December 2019 Extrication meeting was the voluntary fire brigade in Wörth am Rhein, Böchelberg, Germany. This photo from the Commission´s visit to the local fire station was taken by CTIF President Tore Eriksson.
Agenda meeting:
Opening of the meeting
- Roll call;
- Approval minutes last meeting;
- Approval of the agenda;
- Curriculum (Tom);
- Next meetings: Technical days
New members
- Welcome & presentation
- Roles in Commission
Projects & Discussions
- Solar Panels (Tore)
- Report from Abu Dhabi (Ivana)
- RPAS info sheet (Mark)
- Data analysis
- JRC (Kurt)
- C.E.R.S. (Ruediger)
Projects & Discussions
- ISO 17840 plan of action implementation (Kurt)
- Euro NCAP (Michel)
- Battery tests (Michel)
- EU projects: Hyresponder, HyTunnel, Erasmus+ (Tom)
- Training (Mikko)
- Self Extrication (UK – Mike Dayson)