CTIF´s Executive Committee in front of a Luxembourg fire station vehicle, during their November meeting 2019.
03 Dec 2019

CTIF Executive Board meeting in Luxembourg focused on the 120th Anniversary and next year´s important elections


The CTIF Executive Committee actively continues the work and mission of CTIF in its new composition, elected last summer during DA. Since September 2019, the EC members now have "online" work meetings every two weeks, in addition to the mandatory bi-yearly physical meetings.



By: Neža Strmole, CTIF Secretary

The Executive Committee is CTIF´s governing Board, and members of the board are elected by the member countrie´s representatives during Delegates Assembly, usually held every year in spring or summer.

On November 30 - December 1st,  2019, the CTIF Executive Committee met in Luxembourg, for their second physical meeting of the year. The first meeting was during Delegates Assembly, in July.


The CTIF Executive Committee during a field trip, with it´s secretary Neza Strmole, in the foreground.
The CTIF Executive Committee during a field trip, with it´s secretary Neza Strmole, in the foreground. 

Next year will be a turning point for CTIF as it marks its 120th anniversary, with new presidential elections scheduled for June 2020. During next year´s  Delegation Assembly, a new President will be elected for the next 4 to 8 years, as Mr Tore Erikson, Sweden, will by then have served his full two terms.

The grand 120th anniversary celebration will be held during the Interschutz Fair - June 16-18, 2020.

The members of the Executive Committee are already actively preparing for the event, together with external staff. Preparations for the 3rd CTIF Seminar "Fire, rescue & new challenges", organized on October 23-24, 2020 in Oslo, Norway, are also underway. More detailed information on the latter will be published on the website.

The CTIF Executive Board delegates also discussed the current HyResponder Project on "Train the trainer programs in hydrogen safety for responders", where CTIF is participating as a project partner.

The Board also reviewed the developments in the field of ISO 17840 (more information will be available in Slovene in the near future) and activities on strengthening cooperation with various organizations.

During the meeting, we reviewed the current organization and functions of CTIF and its committees and made some suggestions for updates.

In spring 2020, a meeting of all committee chairmen and members of the CTIF Executive Board will be held in Slovenia with the aim of better cooperation and networking.


Luxembourg fire training tower

This time the Executive Board meeting was "hosted" by Marc Mamer, the CTIF Treasurer. We were fascinated by the province of Luxembourg and the fire station we visited The Luedelange Volunteer Fire Brigade, commanded by Marc Mamer, boasts a modern and modernly equipped 60 m high fire training tower.


The CTIF Executive Commission meeting at the end of November 2019.