Auto locking doors killed Tesla driver in fire after a crash
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A crash involving a 2016 Tesla Model S in Davies, Florida this past Sunday proved deadly for the driver, reports The vehicle hit a tree and a fire started with the driver inside. According to reports, emergency responders were unable to rescue the driver.
Watch the video of the fire and read the original article here
The automatically deploying door handles on the outside don't appear to have deployed — the exterior handles on a Model S are electronically activated and remain flush with the door itself when not in use.
According to Tesla, "When an airbag inflates, the Model S unlocks all doors, the trunk, and extends all door handles."
The reports show that this didn´t happen as designed:: Witnesses said the airbags didn´t deflate, which prevented both the driver to escape and cut off quick access for the first responders.
During transport from the scene, the Model S reignited, which is also common for electric cars with damage to the battery.
Here's the statement that received from Tesla:
"We are deeply saddened by this accident and our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy. We have reached out to the local authorities to offer our cooperation. We understand that speed is being investigated as a factor in this crash, and know that high speed collisions can result in a fire in any type of car, not just electric vehicles."