Excursion to the burned forest of Campio dei Fiore marked end of Forest Fire Commission´s 1st day
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The CTIF Forest Fire Commission - with 19 delegates from 13 countries - marked the end of their first meeting day on Monday with an excursion to Campio dei Fiore, the Swiss national park mountain side that was involved in a forest fire last Autumn.
Text, Photo & Video: CTIF President Tore Eriksson
There was also a detailed presentation about the extension and the parameters of the fire that occurred in the region of Lombardia, Switzerland, in September-October of 2017.
The Forest Fire Commission is having their meeting right now in Ticino - Lugano, Switzerland.
19 Delegates from 13 Countries are currently now discussing the way forward, the challenge of Climate Change and the changing circumstances for Forest Fire Fighting.
Very interesting presentations and discussions are taking place. Further reports will be published later this week.
Ante Sanader, CTIF Vice President & Tore Eriksson, CTIF President.