Dennis Davis back as Chair for Commission Europe
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CTIF Senior Project Adviser Dennis Davies is now back as chair for Commission Europe, and the next meeting for the Commission will be held in Brussels on November 8, 2018.
"We have been active for nearly twenty years including being a major player in two EU programmes and fighting for volunteer firefighters when the Working Time Directive threatened. I was the Chairman until two years ago and stood down because of Brexit. The commission continued under the leadership of Seamus Murphy from Ireland, and now I am back at the EC´s request", says Dennis Davis to CTIF News.
The agenda for the meeting will follow soon.
The meeting will be held in Brussels in conjunction with the CTIF Seminar "Fire, Rescue and New Challenges" November 9-10, however it will be held one day before the start of the seminar and in a different location.
Attending Commission Europe delegates are encouraged to stay on for the Seminar.