Thousands are fleeing forest fires in Northern California
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3,000 people have been evacuated in connection with major forest fires which ravage northern California.
Hundreds of firefighters fight the fire with the help of helicopters - but the fire is spreading rapidly.
The fire broke out in northern California, around 20 miles north of Sacramento, on Saturday. On Monday night, local media reported that over 200 firefighters are fighting the fire with helicopters.
The dry and hot weather and the increasing winds have caused the fire to flare up and spread rapidly.
"It's the worst possible combination," says fire manager Jonathan Cox, to Sky News.
An area of over 33 square kilometers is burning. Drone aerial photos from the site show how the fire is spreading as the wind rises and airplanes circulate over the fire.
California has issued a state of emergency and 3,000 people have been evacuated. Around 20 homes have been destroyed and another 600 homes are in danger.
However, nobody is injured as far as the information we have at the moment.
Recalling traumatic memories from last fall
The recent forest fires awaken horrible memories from last autumn when around 40 people died in wildfires in the area.
Like the current fires, heavy winds contributed to spreading the fire so quickly. Last year's fires left 3 500 homes destroyed and thousands evacuated.
Last year´s forest fire counted as the worst in California's history.
"I think we are all traumatized and overwhelmed by these fires year after year. Our whole community is at a breaking point, says Terri Gonsalves, who was evacuated from his home on Sunday, to the news agency AP.
Photo by: Daria Devyatkina Firefighters from Stockton, California, put out flames off of Hidden Valley Rd. while fighting a wildfire, Friday, May 3, 2013 in Hidden Valley, California.