Hundreds are missing after ferry accident in northern Sumatra
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At least 128 people are missing after the accident on Indonesia's largest lake Toba where a passenger ferry sank during Monday. The numbers of missing people from the accident are rising.
On Monday, the authorities believed that 80 passengers were on the ferry. A passenger was found dead and 18 were rescued. However, after stopping rescue efforts during the night due to bad weather, the authorities now believe that the accident has harvested more victims than previously feared.
The ferry sank after a storm with heavy winds and high waves on the lake.
Tobas is one of the world's deepest lakes and a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Ferry accidents are common in the country, especially during the Muslim feast, al-fitr, when millions of people travel home to their families to celebrate the end of Ramadan.
Photo (above) is not related to the incident in Indonesia. A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter during open water training. (U.S. Coast Guard)