Women for Safety
"Women for Safety" provide educational training on fire safety rules for kindergartens and schools in Moscow, the Moscow area, St.-Petersburg, for child institutions in the Northwest region and also other regions of Russia as well as abroad.
In 2005 Agreement on Cooperation in fire safety between "Women for Safety" and the Northwest Regional Center of EMERCOM of Russia was signed. A plan of joint actions was developed within the Agreement. "Women for Safety" together with the Northwest Regional Center of EMERCOM of Russia aim at training childrenin safe conduct, collecting practical material for methodical editions as well as attracting public attetion to the problem of child education in the field of conduct in emergency situations.
The founder of "Women for Safety" is "Scientific Innovative Center for Construction and Fire Safety" (SIC CFS). www.stopfire.ru
SIC CFS from the very first days have been actively involved into charitable activities. Later there appeared an opportunity to organize socially-oriented activite in business.
In 2002 an independent non-commercial organization (INO) "Women for Safety" was established in Moswoc. It also has its branch in St Petersburg.
Main activities of "Women for Safety":
- Educational training on fire safety rules for different social groups;
- Designing, production and promotion of souvenirs with fire fighting symbols;
- Scientific and technical consulting on fire safety;
- Development of internal cooperation on fire safety.