Nomotec ApS
We do the heavy lifting and together we elevate the world of firefighting. This is where your work environment is electrified.
The Danish company Nomotec develop solutions to take the heavy pull. Our electric trolley provides efficient workflow in firefighting work.
The Trolley is designed to lift and lighten heavy loads, improving physical work environments. We are committed to preventing workplace injuries and to use our ability to translate ideas and needs into solutions for your work environment.
The Greater Copenhagen Fire Department now has twelve Trolleys and the firefighters consider the Trolley as

their “Fifth Man”.
They have chosen a solution for emergency situations that allows them to grab four hose reels with B-hoses or C-hoses and run them out in one go.
In a few seconds, the teams can get the Trolley out of the vehicle and fit the necessary tools for fast and successful firefighting.
This means they save valuable energy and strength and no longer have to transport the reels manually.